Did you know there is no single ‘stop work’ temperature? This is because measuring temperature on its own cannot account for all factors that make working in heat hazardous.

According to guidelines for ‘working in heat’ by Safework Australia, there are several elements which can have an effect on a person’s health including

  • humidity
  • air flow
  • physical intensity and duration of work
  • whether workers are physically fit and acclimatised to the conditions

There are a range of solutions which can help identify more accurately if a person is in danger of heat exhaustion or becoming unwell due to heat exposure.

Personal Monitoring Solutions for Heat Stress

The KENZEN Patch

This technologically advanced solution continually monitors a person’s well-being by using sensors to collect physiology data to predict and prevent heat injury, illness and death from heat on worksites. The small sensor is worn on an armband and monitors core-body temperature in a non-invasive way.

The clever device measures core-body temperature, heart rate with a multi-LED PPG sensor, sweat rate and activity levels with motion metrics. Worker’s physiological responses are precisely measured in real-time, providing accurate results, using sophisticated algorithms created from large data sets gathered in the research stages of the product’s inception.

KENZEN provide a complete safety monitoring platform by using the integrated patch with mobile apps, team dashboards and enterprise software so the worker and management are aware of their health status.


These urine analysis test strips are a quick and easy way to determine hydration status of workers. Using specific gravity as an indication, and the chart provided with the test kit, these simple strips provide results within one minute.

Please click here for more personal heat stress solutions.

Area Monitoring Solutions for Heat Stress

Heat Shield

The LSI Lastem Heat Shield measures globe temperature, wet bulb temperature, dry bulb temperature and relative humidity and displays on-line WBGT indoor & outdoor index, Heat Index and Humidex. The unit provides quick, real-time, reliable and accurate assessments with the ability to extract data for further analysis.


ITEG500 Globe Thermometer

The globe thermometer from Incon performs the dry-bulb, wet-bulb and globe measurements of an environment to ensure safety standards are met. The device automatically calculates indoor and outdoor WBGT and has a datalogger that stores process measurements.  

As a PCBU (Person conducting a business or undertaking) you must manage risks in the workplace, so far as is reasonably practicable and review the controls you have implemented to ensure they remain effective.  

If you would like to know more about monitoring solutions to prevent heat stress in the workplace, or to understand if your controls are working then please just get in contact with us.

