In many industries, the process of air sampling is a highly important one for measuring and analyzing the levels of potentially dangerous contaminants in the workplace. If harmful dusts and gases are inhaled, they can cause serious health issues including poisoning and lung diseases, or they can be fatal,.

  • But how does air sampling save lives if these devices will only detect the hazardous substances once they are already present?
  • Sampling devices can indicate where extra ventilation is needed in a given section of a workplace, such as in areas where fossil fuels are burnt or volatile organic compounds (VOCs) are produced.
  • Sampling devices can detect substances that would otherwise be undetectable before they reach fatal levels, such as carbon monoxide (which will only cause flu-like symptoms and vertigo in small doses).
  • These devices are able to detect fires in the workplace much faster than a generic smoke alarm can, as they will pick up on microscopic smoke particles and warn the user immediately.
  • Sampling professionals are able to monitor a single employee’s exposure to contaminants over an extended period of time (not just when they are in a particular area or on a particular day), so they are able to help prevent illnesses and diseases that develop over prolonged exposure.
  • Sampling can be used to monitor areas that are prone to experiencing air pollution (such as in mining), so that the risk an employee will be exposed to harmful substances is reduced.

There are a number of ways that taking effective samples of the air can save lives in your workplace and the surrounding area, providing that you use the best-suited devices. Protect yourself and your employees from potential hazards and invest in air sampling today.