Exposure to hand arm vibration (HAV) is a common occupational hazard that can cause significant health problems for workers in Australia. Excessive exposure to vibration can lead to a range of debilitating conditions, including carpal tunnel syndrome, hand-arm vibration syndrome (HAVS), and Raynaud's syndrome. Therefore, it is crucial for employers to monitor these levels in the workplace and comply with the relevant regulations and legislation.

The Workplace Health and Safety (WHS) regulations set out specific requirements for the control and managing risks of exposure to hand-arm vibration levels in the workplace. The regulations state that employers have a duty of care to ensure that workers are not exposed to levels that exceed the exposure standard. The exposure standard is the maximum amount that a worker can be exposed to over an eight-hour workday without potentially suffering adverse health effects.

In addition to complying with the WHS regulations, employers must also adhere to the Australian Code of Practice: Hazardous manual tasks. The code provides guidance on how to identify and control the risks associated with exposure to HAV, including how to monitor and measure vibration levels in the workplace.

Real-time monitoring of exposure to hand-arm vibration

One of the main benefits of real-time monitoring for HAV levels is that it allows employers to identify and respond quickly to potential HAV-related health risks. By monitoring these levels in real-time, employers can identify trends and patterns in HAV exposure, enabling them to develop appropriate control measures to reduce the risk of worker exposure to dangerous levels.

Real-time monitoring can also help to identify equipment and tools that are causing excessive vibration levels, enabling employers to take appropriate action, such as repairing or replacing the equipment.

How data is transforming occupational health risks

Real-time monitoring for exposure to HAV  can improve the accuracy of exposure assessments. Traditional HAV exposure assessments typically rely on subjective data, such as self-reporting by workers or estimates of tool use time. Real-time monitoring provides objective data on actual exposure levels, enabling employers to develop more accurate exposure assessments and control measures.

Real-time monitoring can also provide valuable data for research and analysis. By collecting data on HAV exposure levels over time, researchers can identify trends and patterns, helping to inform the development of new workplace health and safety policies and procedures.

Another benefit of real-time monitoring is that it can help to improve worker engagement in workplace health and safety. By providing workers with real-time feedback on their vibration exposure levels, employers can help to raise awareness of the risks associated and encourage workers to take a more active role in managing their own health and safety.


Take a look at our real-time smart watch for monitoring exposure to HAV on the R-link product page here or if you would like more information on how real-time devices can be used effectively in your facility please just get in touch.